Who we are

We invite you to try our service and read the testimonials of hundrends of our satisfied customers. Together, we can make the legal system work for you..

Why Choose Us ?

  • Business Formation

    We help you register as an LLC, Partnership, Corporation or Sole Proprietor

  • LLC Filing

    We obtain an LLC certificate and provide a customized LLC agreement.

  • Business Licenses

    All businesses need a business license. We help you obtain one.

  • Tax Registrations

    There is a sales tax regisration, an income business tax registration, and an employement tax registration.

  • Vendor, Peddler, Tobacco, Health Licensing

    You may need a Peddler, Tobacco, or Health License.

  • Corporation Formation

    We help you set up a non profit, a public benefit, C or S Corporation and provide customized bylaws.

Company Formation

LLC 85%
DBA 75%
Partnership 65%

Tax Registrations

Business Tax Registration 85%
Sales Tax Registration 75%
Employment Tax Registration 65%